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Dr  Bhargava Skedin Drop  style=

Skedin Drop

It is a Homeopathic Medicine owing to its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, depurative, anti-oxidant & blood purifying properties. you can get permanent relief from several skin problems like eczema, ringworm, acne, and urticaria.

166  149

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  • 100% Natural
  • No Side effects
  • Since 1920
Starter Pack | 15 Days


Pack of 1

10% Off.
166   149

             Pack of 2
15% Off.
332   282

             Pack of 3
18% Off.
498   408

             Pack of 4
20% Off.
664   531
 Diet Plan          Dosage         Doctor's Support
New -10%

Skedin Drop (Pack of 1)

166   149
New -15%

Skedin Drop (Pack of 2)

332   282
New -18%

Skedin Drop (Pack of 3)

498   408
New -20%

Skedin Drop (Pack of 4)

664   531


Doctor Bhargava Skedin Drop is a result of techniques perfected over 100 years of practice. Start taking Homeopathic medicine today and get the best treatment. Eczema is a skin condition where the skin gets inflamed, and itch a lot. It is common in young children. Eczema usually occurs on arms, elbows, knees, and/or head. Skedin Drop is very effective in eczema, taking it according to dosage gives the best result. 

One of the functions of the skin is to protect your body from infections. However, the skin sometimes gets infected after being exposed to bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. With doctor Bhargava Skedin Drop, you can get rid of several skin infections, including eczema, ringworm, acne, and urticaria. Most people nowadays are suffering from skin infections that have defied all treatments. Every day, you come in contact with people, animals, and objects. Unknowingly, you can get exposed to skin infections, as there's no way to know those infected and those that are not. No matter how careful or clean you are, you can't prevent certain skin infections, especially if you are always in crowded places.

Unfortunately, some skin infections can take a longer time to disappear, thereby causing great discomfort. Don't be surprised that many healthcare or beauty products out there can worsen the infections instead of eliminating them. If you've tried several medicines to get rid of skin problems without seeing results, here's good news. With Skedin Drop homeopathic medicine from Doctor Bhargava, you can be assured that your skin will become fresh like a baby.

What are the Key Ingredients in Skedin Drop?

The major ingredients in Skedin Drop are Juglans regia, Sarsaparilla, Azadirachta indica, Berberis aquifolium, and Echinacea Angustifolia.

What are the Benefits of Skedin Drop?

People who have tried many steroid creams for eczema or ointments without seeing results will find this homeopathic medicine helpful.

It provides relief and Improvement to the following symptoms;

  • Eczema, which causes itching, red bumps, scaly skin, and skin patches

  • Ringworm which causes red bump itch on the skin, and itching

  • Abscesses

  • Acne

  • Pimples

  • Dermatitis

  • Urticaria or Hives, which causes itching

  • Repairs dry, scaly skin

  • Offers protection to the skin from external pollutants

Important information regarding Skedin Drop :

Before taking Skedin drop homeopathy medicine, you need to follow certain instructions. It will help you get fast and accurate results without experiencing any side effects

What are the types of Skin Infection?

There are four different types of skin infections;

  •  Viral skin infection

  • Parasitic skin Infection

  • Fungal skin infection

  • Bacterial skin infection

1. Viral Skin Infection

Viruses cause these skin infections. They can present symptoms that are severe or mild. Examples of viral skin infections measles, chickenpox, herpes, shingles, and warts.

2. Parasitic Skin Infection

Parasites are the culprit behind these skin infections. They can move beyond the skin to the blood and internal organs. Lice, scabies, and bedbugs are examples of parasitic skin infections.

3. Fungal Skin Infection

These skin infections are caused by fungus and often develop in the feet and armpit. Nail fungus, athlete's foot, ringworm, oral thrush, and yeast infection are examples of fungal skin infections.

4. Bacterial Skin Infection

Bacteria are the major cause of these infections, and their symptoms begin with small, red bumps gradually. The symptoms can be mild or severe. Bacterial infections include boils, impetigo, and cellulitis.

Skedin drop homeopathic treatment helps to get rid of the symptoms of these infections. It is one of the best eczema treatments in India.

Dosage: Add 10 to 15 drops of this medicine into a half cup of water three times a day.

  • You can take Skedin Drop with other medications; it's safe.

  • Use the recommended dosage, as directed by your physician

  • If you have allergic reactions to the drug, stop its usage immediately

  • Take a lighter dose after your symptoms have disappeared

  • To get fast results, use regularly

  • Store in a cool place with low temperature

  • Keep out of the reach of children

  • If your symptoms don't improve within a few days or weeks of taking this medication, seek medical help

Where Can I Buy a Skedin Drop?

You can purchase Skedin Drop online, preferably from doctor Bhargava & Also have a live chat with the health professional on how to get the medicine. And if you need more information regarding the drop, you're free to ask questions from the doctor. He'll respond to your actions immediately.


Keep in mind that beautiful and clear skin boosts your confidence; take good care of your skin. Eat good food, get enough sleep, drink water regularly and use the right beauty products. Most importantly, get rid of everything that can make your skin look unattractive. Purchase Doctor Bhargava Skedin Drop now to eliminate ringworm, acne, pimples, abscesses, dermatitis, and other skin problems. Within a few days, you'll see positive changes in your body.


10-15 Drops in half cup water thrice a day or as directed by the Physician

Frequently Asked Question

Is Skedin Drop safe to take with other medicines?

Skedin Drop are fast, safe and effective. There are no side effects and no known reactions with other drugs. In addition they are non-habit forming and have no contraindications.

How long do I need to use Skedin Drop before I see improvement of my conditions?

It depends on the severity, duration of the symptoms and also how your body is responding to the medicine. Maximum use it for 8 weeks and you should see the positive effect.

After my symptoms have passed, should I continue to take the medicine?

It is wise to continue a lighter dose after the symptoms have passed. Generally, the longer you had the problem, the longer you should take this product after symptoms have passed. This will help assure a more complete recovery. This continued dosage can vary from 2 times a day to 2 times a week for a week to perhaps several months depending on the length and severity of the problem.

I have never taken homeopathic medicine before. Would it be safe to take Skedin Drop?

Homeopathic medicines are 100% natural and are absolutely safe to consume. These does not have any side effect.

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