In simple terms, Cervical spondylitis is an inflammation of bones and muscles of the cervical region. It can occur in any age, While Cervical spondylosis is osteoarthritis of Bones and Muscles of the Cervical Region. It is a condition involving changes to the bones, discs, and joints of the neck. These changes are caused by the normal wear-and-tear of aging. Cervical spondylosis usually occurs in middle-aged and elderly people.
Apart from age, there are some other causes which may increase the chance of developing cervical spondylitis. These include:
Wrong sitting or sleeping posture
use of Smartphone for a long time
Driving for long hours
Working on computers for long hours
Lack of exercise and obesity
Previous neck or spinal injuries
Previous neck or spinal surgery
Severe arthritis
A slipped disc
Repeatedly carrying heavy weights
The symptoms of cervical Spondylosis include:
Neck stiffness and pain
Headache at the back of neck and occiput
Pain in shoulders which can extend to either of arms
Grinding noise or sensation when the neck is turned
Tingling and numbness in the arms, hands, legs, or feet with weakness
Lack of coordination and difficulty walking
Abnormal reflexes and sudden blackout
Muscle spasms
Loss of control over bladder and bowel (incontinence)
Role of Homoeopathy in the treatment of Cervical Spondylitis and Spondylosis:
Homeopathy provides a very effective and safe treatment for Cervical Spondylosis. It relieves the pain and stiffness of the muscles of the neck and shoulder. These medicines strengthen the cervical muscles. The pain in the neck, shoulders, head and arms is cured permanently. Vertigo is also cured which is associated with spasm of neck muscles. There is no need for taking painkillers or any traction.
Spondin drops:
Spondin drop is a specialized homeopathy formulation by Bhargava Phytolab, which works in the different problem faced in spondylitis and spondylosis.
The ingredients and action of each ingredient are listed below:
Hypericum perforatum 5x - This has a positive effect on compressed nerves and decreases the pain in neck, arms, and fingers caused by the inflammation of the vertebrae.
Cuprum metallicum 6x - This calms the stinging twitching of muscles of the back that run right up to the neck.
Conium maculatum 3x - This decreases the dorsal pain between the shoulder blades that may or may not be associated with vertigo and headaches.
Colocynthis vulgaris 3x - This decreases pain in the neck and back movements and also relieves other symptoms of cervical spondylitis such as headaches and vertigos
Ruta graveolens 3x - This provides relief to the bones, joints, muscles, and tendons. It also decreases the physical discomfort of spasms caused due to the deterioration of bones and intervertebral discs. Ruta Graveolens is extremely effective in case of neck and back injuries
Dulcamara 3x - A popular homeopathy remedy, it relieves stiffness in the neck and decreases pain the shoulders and arms
Ledum palustre 2x - Some schools of homeopathy consider Ledum Palustre to be a specific remedy for puncture wounds produced by sharp-pointed objects. Nevertheless, it is effective for back stiffness caused by a long period of inactivity.
Adults: Three doses a day of 10-15 drops in half a cup of lukewarm water.
Children: Half of an adult ’s dose.
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