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Berberis Vulgaris Mother Tincture Q style=

Berberis Vulgaris Q

Berberis Vulgaris mother tincture and its diluted form in distilled water with recommended doses can be used to treat kidney stones and gall bladder stones. It is a known and proven fact that the homeopathic medicine berberis Vulgaris mother tincture.

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  • 100% Natural
  • No Side effects
  • Since 1920
Starter Pack | 15 Days


Pack of 1

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212   191

             Pack of 2
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424   360

             Pack of 3
18% Off.
636   522

             Pack of 4
20% Off.
848   678
 Diet Plan          Dosage         Doctor's Support
New -10%

Berberis Vulgaris Q (Pack of 1)

212   191
New -15%

Berberis Vulgaris Q (Pack of 2)

424   360
New -18%

Berberis Vulgaris Q (Pack of 3)

636   522
New -20%

Berberis Vulgaris Q (Pack of 4)

848   678


Berberis vulgaris mother tincture is prepared from the bark of a tree, it contains Berberis vulgaris as an ingredient. It is known to contain many phytochemicals including ascorbic acid, Vitamin K, triterpenoids and several other phenolic compounds, and alkaloids. It contains antioxidant properties that help in flushing toxins from the body. Berberis Vulgaris is also known as Barberry and has its effects on most parts of the body and is used for all sorts of kidney, liver, gall bladder, and urinary tract treatments. It is mostly used for the treatment of renal calculi or kidney stones and gall bladder stones and Its analgesic properties aid in reducing pain to provide relief effect to abdominal pain which is caused due to kidney stones. It also helps in improving kidney function and treating diarrhea and constipation associated with renal calculi. The anti-inflammatory properties of berberis Vulgaris are known to reduce inflammation and bubbling sensation and stitching pain all around your body and leg. It is also antibacterial in nature which helps in the treatment of infections. It also possesses hepato-protective properties which are known to aid in keeping the liver healthy.

It is advisable to take recommended doses under the supervision of your doctor to get maximum results. Although it is safe to use berberis Vulgaris. However, when taken in a higher dose, it may cause certain side effects.


  • Used to treat renal calculi or kidney stones and gall bladder stones.

  • Helps to provide relief in case of constipation and diarrhea

  • Helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

  • Helps in reducing arthritic pains

  • Provide relief in skin-related illness


Berberis vulgaris


  • Read the instruction label carefully before use.

  • Use under medical supervision with the recommended dosage.

  • Store in a cool and dry place and away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

  • Pregnant and lactating women and individuals with a pre-existing medical condition must consult a doctor before starting the medicine.

  • Keep out of the reach of children.


A dose of 10-15 drops of the BERBERIS VULGARIS Q is to be taken orally ideally with water for kidney and gall bladder stones. For effective results, consult your healthcare doctor for the right dose as per your medical condition.

Frequently Asked Question

Is Berberis Vulgaris Q safe to take with other medicines?

Berberis Vulgaris Q are fast, safe and effective. There are no side effects and no known reactions with other drugs. In addition they are non-habit forming and have no contraindications.

How long do I need to use Berberis Vulgaris Q before I see improvement of my conditions?

It depends on the severity, duration of the symptoms and also how your body is responding to the medicine. Maximum use it for 8 weeks and you should see the positive effect.

After my symptoms have passed, should I continue to take the medicine?

It is wise to continue a lighter dose after the symptoms have passed. Generally, the longer you had the problem, the longer you should take this product after symptoms have passed. This will help assure a more complete recovery. This continued dosage can vary from 2 times a day to 2 times a week for a week to perhaps several months depending on the length and severity of the problem.

I have never taken homeopathic medicine before. Would it be safe to take Berberis Vulgaris Q?

Homeopathic medicines are 100% natural and are absolutely safe to consume. These does not have any side effect.

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