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Is there any medicine to regularise periods as I have missed it

Irregular menstruation cycles, missed periods, and menstrual pain - it seems that these words have become a major cause of concern to most women. As a result, ladies are frequently searching for medicine for irregular periods.

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) has reported that between 14 and 25 percent of women in their reproductive years have irregular menstruation - which is a natural phenomenon. But, irregularities in the menstrual cycle turn out to be a major issue when you aren't pregnant.

But don’t worry. Luckily, there are some medicines for periods pain available, like The Meniphib Tablet, developed by Dr Bhargava, which appears to be a potentially effective remedy for girls looking to control their menstrual periods and alleviate related pain.

How this medicine works, and its efficacy have all been discussed here. But first of all, let's figure out the underlying reasons for irregular periods.

Irregular Periods:

Menstrual cycles that are longer than 35 days or less than 21 days are referred to as irregular periods, and they can have a major negative influence on women's lives. Period irregularities can be caused by a variety of factors, such as -

  • Menopause,

  • Pregnancy,

  • Hormone imbalances,

  • Stress.

Some known contributors include eating disorders, thyroid dysfunction, excessive exercise, and conditions including PCOS and primary ovarian insufficiency. In addition, fibroids, medicine for menstrual pain, poor caloric intake, and weight swings can all cause irregular menstrual periods.

Period irregularities are normally not hazardous, but long-term irregularities can increase the risk of developing certain illnesses, such as iron deficiency. Determining the total impact on health and understanding the underlying causes require guidance from professionals. Luckily, some appropriate medications to regulate  periods are available in the market.

Missed Periods:

The absence of menstrual bleeding during the anticipated duration of a woman's menstrual cycle is missing periods. Menstrual periods normally last between 21 and 35 days; a missed period happens if this cycle gets interrupted. Pregnancy is one of the most frequent causes of missing periods, and only medicine for period cramps may be advised; otherwise, not. But it may have many other causes too, for example -

  • High levels of stress,

  • Weight Loss,

  • Hormonal Irregularities,

  • Strenuous Exercise

  • Intense physical activity, especially when combined with low body weight,

All these can lead to menstrual irregularities. However, missing one or two periods may not be a major cause for concern. Still, consultation with a healthcare professional is advised, ensuring you have the best medicine for menstrual cramps.

Menstrual Pain:

Period cramps, another name for menstrual pain, are a frequent discomfort that many women go through during their menstrual periods. Doctors often recommend pills for period cramps if the pain is unbearable. Many symptoms are frequently present along with this discomfort, defined by strong, throbbing feelings in the lower abdomen. Potential symptoms include -

  • Nausea,

  • Vomiting,

  • Sweating,

  • Faintness,

  • Dizziness,

  • Constipation,

  • Dull, and Continuous Ache,

  • Diarrhoea or Loose Stools,

  • Bloating and Headaches.

  • Pain radiating to the lower back and thighs,

Prostaglandin, a chemical found in the body that causes muscle contractions in the uterine muscles, is the main cause of menstruation discomfort. While some minor period discomfort is typical, pain that interferes with everyday activities should be evaluated by a gynaecologist who may give a better treatment for heavy periods.

How can Meniphib Tablet by Doctor Bhargava Help?

Let's come down to the main point. Are stomach aches and cramps interfering with your everyday life? And you are concerned if there's any risk-free medicine that provides some relief.

Then, go happy because Meniphib Tablet is a homoeopathic supplement by Dr Bhargava that gives better results for women. The medicine for missed periods not only reduces menstrual pain but even improves general health.

With natural components including Agnus castus, Iris versicolor, Caulophyllumthalictroides, and Ignatia amara, this formulation provides ladies looking for relief from menstrual issues safely and efficiently.

Take one tablet twice daily as your healthcare provider prescribes for the best outcomes. Although the Meniphib Tablet provides a natural remedy, self-medication is not recommended.


Given the frequency of irregular menstruation and its effects on women's lives, it is critical to find safe, natural remedies. Doctor Bhargava's Meniphib Tablet shines out as a potentially effective treatment, offering hope to all ladies who are trying to control their menstrual discomfort and periods. Meniphib Tablets can be extremely useful in re-establishing a regular menstrual cycle when used with lifestyle changes.

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