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What Are the Natural Solutions and Medicines to Cure A Cold & Flu?

 “Prevention is better than cure “– Desiderius Erasmus

Comfort, warmth, and good food are what we all long for in every winter season. One thing that’s bound to ruin our comfort unexpectedly in the winter is the common cold or flu. From babies to geriatric people, we all are susceptible to catching the disease. However, the common cold/flu can be easily recognized by anyone. Some of the most common cold/flu signs and symptoms experienced include the following -:

1. Cough with or without phlegm

2. Nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, loss of smell, redness of the nose, post-nasal discharge

3. Body aches, fever, chills, fatigue

4. Watery eyes

5. Mild headache

6. Itchy/Sore throat

Winter season brings numerous festivities with itself which leads to the consumption of many unhealthy food items; especially sweets. A sudden and drastic change in the diet can hamper our immunity and along with the shifting weather, it can make us more prone to the common cold and flu. It can be treated very easily at home by following some natural home remedies and homeopathic medicine for flu symptoms:

  • Hydration is key – One of the quickest ways to recover from a cold is to keep our body hydrated. A hydrated body can easily flush out the germs from our body. It is essential to drink a minimum of 1.5-2 liters of water every day. Some patients, such as those suffering from congestive heart failure, should drink less water.

  • Sleep – Coughing, sneezing, body ache, fever, and all other symptoms of the common cold are the body’s way of asking for rest. Adequate sleep and rest are important for the body to help our immune system recover.

  • Honey and Ginger – Sore throat is one of the most common symptoms experienced when we catch a cold. Sipping on a warm mixture of honey and ginger powder in water brings great relief to the throat.

  • Hot Soups - For kids, seniors, and picky eaters in the winter, soups can be a go-to healthy appetizer or lunch. Because soups are so adaptable, you can include seasonal veggies that you or your family members might not ordinarily like.

  • Drinking Warm Milk Before Bed - In the winter, milk and other byproducts like yogurt, cheese, etc. are excellent options to add to your daily diet. This is because they are loaded with calcium, protein, and vitamins B12 and A, all of which improve one's health. Frequent use of warm milk will help you stay healthy. Instead of full-fat milk, opt to drink skimmed or semi-skimmed milk. Eexcellent nutrients that can be added to milk are turmeric and jaggery.

  • Warm Baths – Warm baths can help reduce symptoms of cold and flu for adults. Adding Epsom salt to the water can also help reduce body aches.

Apart from trying out these easy homeopathic natural remedies for the common cold or flu, you can opt for Anas Barbariae which is a frequently recommended homeopathic medicine for this disease. It relieves symptoms of flu such as fever, body aches, and chills, leading to a quick recovery. But if the symptoms persist, it is always better to consult doctor.

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